Thursday, February 11, 2016

It Takes A Village To Raise A Child

This picture I saw on pinterest best described my interpretation of this african proverb. I believe it's true - the way a child grows is influenced by his experiences, and those experiences are given by the people who surround him. That's his village.

In this modern age, the concept of a village has evolved and is now very very different from what the original author of this proverb calls a village. A village is no longer tied to a geographical location. It is, however, still a group of people coming together for common causes.

This blog was created to share our journey with my first-born, Inno, and his immediate village - us, his grandparents and his extended family - and to invite you to be part of this journey. The internet has been a great source of information for me from the time I first found out I was pregnant and even up until today, that I hope our experiences with Inno will be of help to other "villagers" out there looking for information as well.

There's a lot of learning that can be gained from food, and boy, do we LOVE food. I found this quote online:
You have to taste a culture to understand it.
- Deborah Carter
Now I don't know who Deborah Carter is, but I've heard thousands of variations of this sentiment over the years. I believe it's true. And if it's anything about learning, I want it for my little boy!

So we will be sharing with you Inno's journey of learning through the wonderful landscape of food. We will probably talk about other things as well, but, as the blog says, we're here to see INNO EAT THE WORLD.

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